Our Approach
Our integrated 360° approach addresses the widely accepted key organizational elements of Product (market), People (team), and Process (operations). Our approach helps to align the strategy with the culture and the capabilities of your organization.
The foundation to our approach is taking a fundamental step back in order to understand:
Why: why does your company exist, why do customers buy from you?
What: what are your goals, what is the offering, what is the brand, what are your processes, what are you exceptionally good at doing?
Who: who are you selling to, who/what makes the company successful?
How: how will you sell your defined product, to your defined market, to beat the competition?
Diagnostic workshops to understand the organization, its competencies and capabilities.
Understanding the value the organization brings to the clients.
Researching competitors’ value proposition and differentiators.
Examining relevant industry trends including technology, social, environmental, regulatory, and geo-poltical.
Strategy Framing
Go-To-Market Strategy:
What the organization is selling – the product/service.
Who the organization is selling to - the market segmentation.
How to sell the What to the Who – the price, promotion, packaging.
Culture Plan:
Understanding and reviewing the Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values.
Integrating them into day-to-day business operations.
Ongoing coaching of key management and organizational leaders.
Revise procedures to include new focus on mission, vision and values.
Operations Optimization:
Identify opportunities for cost containment, optimization, and scalability.
Ensure knowledge and capabilities can sustain changes.
Identify gaps in processes and metrics to measure and monitor improvement.
Define accountability for functions.
Long-term monitoring of plan execution to reflect the strategy.
Ongoing monitoring of trends, customers, and competitors to ensure market alignment.
Oversee tweaking of product, strategy and tactics to align with market evolution.